Jurek Leonhardt, Henrik MΓΌller, Koustav Rudra, Megha Khosla, Abhijit Anand, Avishek Anand
Retrieve-and-re-rank is a telescoping setting that has two stages.
Lexical retrieval
Semantic re-ranking
#1 π D371 (0.95)
#2 π D222 (0.85)
#3 π D984 (0.71)
Final ranking
Dense retrieval uses semantic models directly for retrieval.
Documents and query are embedded in a common vector space using dual-encoder models.
Retrieval is performed as an (approximate) nearest neighbor search operation.
Sparse retrieval is fast, but not competitive on its own.
Dense retrieval shows good nDCG, but recall suffers and it is slow.
Re-ranking using dense retrieval models works well.
Score interpolation further helps:
$\phi (q, d)$ $= \alpha$ $\phi_S (q, d)$ $+\ (1 - \alpha) $ $\phi_D(q, d)$
$\phi (q, d) = \alpha \cdot \phi_S (q, d) + (1 - \alpha) \ \cdot $ $\phi_D(q, d)$
Our approach: Efficient re-ranking with dual-encoders.
A Fast-Forward index is a look-up table for pre-computed document representations:
$\phi_D^{FF} (q, d)$ $= \zeta (q) \cdot \eta^{FF} (d)$
The look-up operation is much more efficient than actual re-ranking:
Coming up: Techniques to improve efficiency even further.
Long documents are often chunked into passages and scored using a $\max$ operation:
$\phi_D^{FF} (q, d) = \max_{p_i \in d} (\zeta (q) \cdot \eta^{FF} (p_i))$
We propose sequential coalescing to compress maxP indexes.
Long documents are often chunked into passages, so they have multiple representations.
Sequential coalescing merges similar representations of subsequent passages within a document.
Many tasks require only a small number of documents (e.g., the top-$10$).
Lexical (sparse) and semantic (dense) scores are usually correlated.
In many cases, it is not necessary to compute all semantic scores.
We propose an approach for early stopping.
Queries and documents have different characteristics in terms of length and complexity.
We propose encoders to deal with these charactertistics more efficiently.
Queries are short and concise, but query encoders are usually based on complex self-attention-based Transformer models.
BERTbase: $L=12$, $A=12$, $H=768$. Can we go lower?
Lightweight query encoders can achieve similar performance, but it depends on the dataset:
Documents are often long; encoding (indexing) is expensive.
Complex encoders are required to capture the semantics of the documents.
Can we shorten documents instead?
This is a
web article
which is
unnecessarily long
ads, repetitions, and, finally, some
useful content.
Selective document encoders dynamically shorten batches of input documents during inference.
Each document token is assigned a score, and the lowest scoring tokens are removed.
The degree to which documents are shortened is controlled by a hyperparameter $p \in [0,1]$.
Selective document encoders incur a small performance hit, but decrease the indexing latency notably:
Fast-Forward indexes are large:
for MS MARCO v1 (passages).
How to compress vector forward indexes?
Re-ranking is limited by the first-stage retriever.
How to circumvent vocabulary mismatch?
def coalesce(P):
P_new = []
A = []
A_avg = None
first_iteration = True
for p in P:
if first_iteration:
first_iteration = False
elif distance(p, A_avg) >= delta:
A = []
A_avg = np.mean(A, axis=0)
return P_new
We set $\alpha = 0.5$:
$\phi (q, d) = 0.5 \cdot \phi_S (q, d) + 0.5 \cdot \phi_D (q, d)$
Stop the computation once the highest possible score $\phi_{\text{max}} (q, d)$ is too low to make a difference.
$\phi_D$ is not normalized. We approximate its maximum as the highest observed score:
$\phi_{\text{max}} (q, \text{D224}) = 0.5 \cdot 0.73 + 0.5 \cdot 0.67 = 0.70$
$\phi_S$ | $\phi_D$ | $\phi$ β | |
We set $\alpha = 0.5$:
$\phi (q, d) = 0.5 \cdot \phi_S (q, d) + 0.5 \cdot \phi_D (q, d)$
Stop the computation once the highest possible score $\phi_{\text{max}} (q, d)$ is too low to make a difference.
$\phi_D$ is not normalized. We approximate its maximum as the highest observed score:
$\phi_{\text{max}} (q, \text{D224}) = 0.5\ \cdot$ $0.73$ $ +\ 0.5\ \cdot$ $0.67$ $ \gt $ $0.68$
$\phi_S$ | $\phi_D$ | $\phi$ β | |
We set $\alpha = 0.5$:
$\phi (q, d) = 0.5 \cdot \phi_S (q, d) + 0.5 \cdot \phi_D (q, d)$
Stop the computation once the highest possible score $\phi_{\text{max}} (q, d)$ is too low to make a difference.
$\phi_D$ is not normalized. We approximate its maximum as the highest observed score:
$\phi_{\text{max}} (q, \text{D105}) = 0.5\ \cdot$ $0.49$ $ +\ 0.5\ \cdot$ $0.71$ $ \lt $ $0.72$
$\phi_S$ | $\phi_D$ | $\phi$ β | |